A Shift In CLassroom Practice: Voice, Choice, and Belonging
I left the PK–12 classroom in 2018. Five years later, I entered the collegiate level using many of the same tools I had five years prior—only to realize I was so focused on covering content that I missed opportunities. A recent conversation with a longtime friend prompted me to reflect on last semester versus this one, and I’m grateful for that challenge. While I know I fostered relationships and connections with students last year, I also recognize I missed chances for engagement, for deeper connection, and for truly listening.
I suspect I’m not alone. I think about educators in PK–12 and collegiate classrooms nationwide, as well as the schools I’ve been privileged to serve—each navigating the needs of today’s learners. Many teachers express nerves about “active learning” because it might put them out of sync with colleagues or reduce time for worksheets. But as we know, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for today’s students or today’s classroom.
Students now have access to material earlier than ever and often grow up in an adult world filtered through a screen. The average student spends 112 hours a week on social media (Haight, 2021), and even if they’re not physically online, they’re likely thinking about it. This immersion affects their confidence, sense of self, and focus. It also fuels comparison and negative self-talk. Today’s generation is the first to carry a device through puberty (Haight, 2021), making friendships feel more disposable than ever—yet 90% of students still prefer human interaction over a screen (Elmore, 2019).
Additionally, 1 in 10 students say they have no friends, and 50% of adolescents report feeling lonely. Loneliness is comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day in terms of health impact (Harding, 2019). Recognizing these realities—and reflecting on my own missed opportunities—I decided to reframe my approach to teaching. This shift renewed my joy and sense of purpose, reminding me that as educators, we’re the creators of each classroom experience and the “dealers” of hope and belief.
On the first day of class, I collaborated with my students to set our syllabus. I had an outline of what I thought would work, but I asked them to agree or disagree, explain why, and add their input. Students crave choice, but they also want to belong—a powerful, innate human need. Co-creating our norms and expectations made it clear we’re all in this together.
I then vulnerably shared “I wish my students knew…”
“I wish my students knew that I was bullied and made fun of in school. That experience shaped me, and I promised myself I would never make anyone else feel that way. I wish my students knew that I had a childhood that was challenging and struggled to complete my undergraduate degree, which taught me the importance of grace—and I strive to extend that grace to others.
I wish my students knew how excited and passionate I am about learning and education. I work hard to make learning fun, but as a perfectionist, I often overanalyze things, which can lead to anxiety or negative self-talk. That’s why I am deeply committed to kindness, both to myself and others.
I wish my students knew how much I want them to be successful. I am so grateful for each of them answering the call to become future teachers. I am kind, caring, and compassionate, but I also ask that they not take advantage of that. Instead, I hope we can collaborate and work together to make this semester a meaningful and enjoyable experience. I wish my students knew how much I am rooting for them. You got this!”
and asked them to respond with “I wish my teacher knew…” The honest, eye-opening responses illuminated each student’s lived experiences—stories full of resilience, perseverance, and grit. I encourage you to try this exercise in your own setting; sharing vulnerability can quickly transform relationships, and by week two, we felt like a cohesive unit.
Rather than giving traditional chapter quizzes, I introduced “Chapter Choice Board Assignments” (CBAs). Students demonstrate mastery by selecting a TikTok/Instagram reel, a traditional video, a podcast, an infographic, or a blog post—and they can only use each option three times during the semester. I was nervous about trying something new, but reviewing their submissions left me in awe of their creativity. One student invited a friend (not in our class) to be on her podcast and taught him about brain development. Another student stepped out of her comfort zone to create an Instagram/TikTok video. When we give students a choice, we allow them to shine. I invite you to consider how you might expand student choice in your own work.
In class, we also focus on collaboration. Each student has a clear role, and we’re consistently talking, moving, and connecting. As educators, we have an incredible opportunity to create experiences of connection that may not happen elsewhere—moments where students’ brilliance can emerge through innovation and active engagement. Ultimately, we’re teaching them how to think rather than what to think. As a dear friend notes, active learning is rarely quiet (Kinder, 2024).
Ask yourself:
How can I create a space where students truly feel we’re all in this together?
How can I offer more voice and choice?
How can I better listen to students, learn their stories, build trust, and form authentic relationships?
How can I encourage meaningful collaboration?
How can I get students moving and engaging in the classroom?
How can I bring active learning to life?
These considerations, paired with the data above, underline how vital it is to help students feel seen, heard, valued, and respected—to foster genuine belonging. I’m grateful for each of you who have answered the call to serve, teach, and lead. I’m rooting for you and appreciate all you do. If I can ever help, reach out—and keep shining!
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Elmore, T. (2019). 9 challenges facing today’s generation. Growing Leaders.
Haight, J. (2021). Anxious Generation.
Harding, K. (2019). The rabbit effect: Live longer, happier, and healthier with the groundbreaking science of kindness. Atria Books.